Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who's Your Daddy?

As born again believers, knowing and believing that we are NO LONGER who we were is foundational and vital to our walk.  As unbelievers we had no understanding of who we were, why we were, or what we were to accomplish.  Once we are reconciled to our creator the Holy Spirit immediately begins sharing truth with us so we understand not only our purpose, but also the means by which we are to accomplish it.  If one is led to salvation in Christ, but he sees no purpose other than escaping hell, this earthly life will seem rather pointless to him.  If he understands his mandate to live a holy life and disciple other believers, but does not realize the power that is afforded him through Christ, his failure to meet the demand will leave him defeated.   The word salvation in the church is widely used, and yet we fail to take into account its FULL benefit!  Our salvation in Christ is complete!  God’s perfect plan left NOTHING undone.  Save in the Greek is the word sozoto keep safe and sound, to keep from perishing, suffering, to heal or make well, to preserve from danger, injury or peril, to rescue from destruction.  By not understanding what Christ procured for us at the cross, are we setting a good portion of His sacrifice aside and making His grace of no effect in our lives? 
God did not just save us from, He saved us to.  Not only are we no longer who we were, our location and the rules, have changed.  In the previous posting, “Labels” I said that “we have NO RIGHT to give preeminence to any voice other than God.  His wisdom alone is perfect and His way alone is truth and His ways alone are free from corruption.  Any other “word” will be perverted to some degree because this worldly system has been corrupted by sin and is subject to death”.   God fully expects us to seek His wisdom for every situation.  This should come naturally to us; in fact it should seem foreign for us to go the world for answers.  The solution may very well come from earthly mechanisms, but He has instructed us to lean not to our own understanding, even if it seems perfectly logical.   We are no longer in agreement with the world system; we are in covenant with the Living God!  Would you go down the street and ask the neighbor’s husband to help you deal with one of your children, or to ask his opinion in buying a new appliance or moving to a new house?  NO, you would speak privately with your own husband!  
We are not of the world, our agenda is different, our views are different, our understanding is different…we are “other worldly”, our needs are other worldly.  If we think our needs are fleshly our mind is un-renewed.  Our need may be visible in this realm, but the solution will always come from the faith realm because that is the delivery system that our Father uses to meet our needs.  Yes, the supply will manifest physically, here in this world, but the source of our supply does not come from material things, faith is the substance of what we hope for.  (Do you remember the posts on the Law of Faith?)  A “need” in the life of a believer is a signal that God wants to display His power in us!  This has always been the plan.  This is why the believer has joy in every trial, because it is an opportunity for our God to show the world that salvation is found in no one else and He is ever faithful and vigilant in regard to His own!
Remember, the world system has been corrupted by Satan; it no longer resembles the righteous government that God intended.   Why would we, the righteousness of the Father, heirs with Christ, members of the royal family, look to this corrupt, broken, impotent system to achieve the will of the Father?  Do we know who we are?  We have been translated into the kingdom of Christ (Col 1:13).  He is our king and the supplier, of every need, remover of every obstacle!  Does it make sense that we enter into the enemy’s camp and ask him for help? Do we know who we are?  Do we know who Christ has made us?  The “wisdom” of the world is foolishness; we embody the living Christ, all wisdom and power belong to Him!  The merchandise of His wisdom is better than that of silver, or the gain of fine gold! (Prov. 3:14)

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