So let’s take a more in depth look at what it means to live by faith. The Bible makes it clear that faith and sight are opposed to each other. We were created to live by faith, but remember that when man fell he learned all kinds of unnatural behaviors and became “at home” in his flesh. Let’s also keep in mind what we have learned regarding the 2 kingdom system in previous posts (Law and Order 1-4). We will look more closely at the Bible’s definition of faith in a moment but here is the concept of faith: God’s Kingdom is unseen, but He has written its principals on our hearts, (that is actually our inner man) and by faith we operate in this unseen realm. Since the devil has no access to the believer’s spirit man, he must attack using our mind will and emotions. If we stay in faith and refuse to trust in what we see, he has no power to harm us. If we step out of faith, and react in fear to what we see, we have just given legitimacy to his lie and are now

helpless to try and fight him on his territory, by his terms. (Fear is Satan’s counterfeit to faith) The World REACTS, based on the market, the weather, or their mood. Believers DO NOT live that way, we live confidently walking, listening for the voice of our Lord and savior. Satan is no match for the risen victorious Christ living inside of us by faith, but in the flesh we are no match for the devil.
Faith is not walking around telling ourselves “I think I
can, I think I can.” It is not some
feeling or emotion that our flesh can whip up on its own. Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the substance of what we hope for, the evidence of things we CANNOT see. The Greek word there for substance is hypostasis: a substructure or
foundation, that which has foundation, actual existence, substance, real being. The Greek work for evidence is elegchos: proof, a thing proven or tested,
conviction. And the Greek word for
things, pragma: something accomplished,
matter, that which exists, or a law suit.
How exciting! Here is the
picture; Our Father puts hope in our heart to accomplish something that is on
His heart. At that point, in the Father’s
mind, the THING is already done, it is ALREADY accomplished. At that point He asks us to partner with Him
in faith to bring the thing about. He
loves to share His heart with us and He loves for us to desire what He
desires. Faith is the delivery system by
which God takes what is in His heart and causes it to become reality in this
worldly realm. Faith is like the union
between a man and a woman by which children are born.
We will dig more deeply next time, and we will see how, when
it comes to our part in faith, God does not ask us to shoulder the impossible. There too HE provides what we are unable to.