The Bible says that when we operate by faith we are operating according to a law. (Rom 3:27) When we are born again our spirit man becomes subject to the spiritual laws of God which He has written upon our hearts. Romans 8 explains that the carnal man (what we
were before being reconciled back to the Father through Christ) is still hostile toward God. His mind is fallen and darkened and he cannot grasp the spiritual things of God. Did you know that the carnal man is
not subject to the laws of God? The unbeliever is actually subject to a different set of laws than you and I. He is subject to the law of sin and death, and he must obey the requirements of the law of sin and death. Whatever law system one has chosen to place himself under, he is subject to the laws of that system, or government. God will not hold one accountable to obey His laws if that person has not agreed to come into covenant and be subject to God's laws. But the principals that govern God's kingdom will not be operational in that person's life either. And in the end, that person will be judged according to the law he has chosen. Life if governed by the law of the spirit of life, or death if governed by the law of sin and death.
Our old man that
WAS subject to the law of sin and death, died with Christ at the cross. Christ has made our inner man, alive in Him and we are now servants of righteousness! The law of the Spirit of life operates in our flesh as we lend our "body parts" to righteousness. Sometimes we make this more complicated than it is. When we were subject to sin, we simply yielded to it and our flesh knew exactly what to do. Now we are subject to righteousness, and we simply yield to God's spirit of righteousness within us, our flesh will follow suit. Don't get hung up on the flesh part, that is NOT who you are! YOU are the part that interacts with God, on the inside, your spirit man, who is now awake and no longer opposed to the ways of God. (give your flesh time, it will get with the program).

Remember that God is Spirit, and He interacts with us through our spirit man. He is actually communing with His own spirit which is inside of us, and He is in perfect agreement with Himself at all times. Our spirit man, His Spirit, is in a posture of yieldedness, so there is nothing to stop God's will from being performed through us. When God begins to reveal this concept to us we see that His preeminence and sovereignty have already been established. When we are in constant worry that we are outside His will, or that He is unable to work in us because of our flesh, it is only because we do not see How big He really is and that He dealt with the flesh issue before He ever came to indwell us. We do not even know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit prays through us as we yield to Him. (Rom. 8:26)
Trying to navigate as though we are fleshly beings will only lead to frustration and defeat. (Gal 5:17) We are SPIRIT. Our outer man is only our covering so we can carry out our mission here on earth without scaring the bejeezes out of everyone! When we operate according to the law of faith God is able to achieve the miraculous through us. We have access to the invisible! The sky is the limit! The flesh is limited to that which it can see and achieve on it's own. All of this can only be accomplished through faith. I ended my post last time with the statement that God does not ask us to shoulder the "burden" of trying in our flesh to "muster" up the faith, to live by faith. This is such an important concept that I will devote all of my next post to that very thing. I would like you to meditate on Acts 3:16 and Gal 2:20. (If you have access to the KJV, that is the version I would like you to use for this meditation).

God has placed us here as His "law enforcement". We are to oppose the enemy and his rule, and we are certainly not to operate according to the fleshly principals of his system. Christ, the light of the World is alive in us crying out to the World "BE RECONCILED TO GOD!". (II Cor. 5:17-20)
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