If you’ve been reading what I write for any length of time you know I am passionate about the believer’s freedom in Christ, and living in the fullness of what Christ accomplished through the cross. The key is knowing; and God WANTS us to know. He wants to constantly pour Himself into us in the form of His perfect wisdom. The Bible talks often of the importance of “knowing”. Paul prayed that the believers would know and grow in knowledge. When he saw believers living carnal lives, bound by the shackles of sin, he would remind them of who they were, what Christ did, and would often begin by saying “don’t you know?” As our mind is washed over and over by the life giving transforming Word of God, we WILL know! And we will act, because we know.
So you say ok, suppose I know and I act, give me a practical example of how that would look. Ok, but I want to contrast these examples with the “natural” reaction of the carnal man, because we need to keep reminding ourselves that WE ARE NOT WHO WE WERE and we do NOT act or react like the world. Let’s say Mr. Flesh goes to the doctor because of some symptoms. The doctor was his first kneejerk reaction, because he sees no alternative. After sweating over test results for several days the doctor tells him he has cancer. Mr. Flesh is gripped with fear, because he sees no alternative. In desperation he asks the doctor how he is going to go about saving his life, and agrees to go through any kind of hellish treatment, as long as it will save him…because he sees no alternative. The doctor has not only given “his disease” a label, he has given him a prognosis aka. “Here is what this disease is capable of”. The spirit of fear is now dictating Mr. Flesh’s thoughts and directing his words. Mr. Flesh goes home and testifies over and over to everyone he knows, the testimony that the spirit of fear has written for him.
No matter what you believe regarding healing, every believer’s “reaction” should be the same. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. (Eph 6:12) Which means, we are not wrestling with our flesh, the problem is not in our flesh and the answer does not lie in flesh, plain and simple. First of all, we don’t react based on fleshly evidence. Second of all, we always consult the wisdom of God before we make a move because we are helpless (yes I said HELPLESS, seriously what do WE really know?) to know what to do without His knowledge of the situation! You have to get this! I don’t care how long that doctor went to school and how many accolades he has received! I don’t care how many studies have been done; I don’t care if everyone in your family has died from this very thing for the last 500 years. GOD IS NOT IMPRESSED!!! And neither should you be.
Mr. Born Again-Righteous-New Creation-Spirit Man-Joint Heir With Jesus-Child of God (we will call him Spirit Man for short) says, “God there is this lump I’ve noticed here, should I go have that checked or is that something you just want to take care of right now?” Then in perfect peace, he waits for an answer. If he is prompted to go to the doctor, Christ goes with him to navigate all the information the doctor gives him. If Mr. Sprit Man is waiting for test results, He continues to listen for guidance and God’s wisdom in His word. His testimony is ONLY that of the truth of God’s word, not based on any physical evidence but based on the truth of what God has said about himself. His faith is bolstered as he reads that Christ his healer resides inside of him. The peace of God rules in his heart. Peace is making decisions, not fear. Whatever that doctor’s diagnosis is whatever the prognosis, whatever the recommendation, it will not sway Mr. Spirit Man, and it will not be the basis for his decision or his outcome. He tells the doctor, “Thank you very much, I will get back to you and let you know how we wish to proceed.” The doctor stresses the urgency of treatment beginning immediately! Mr. Spirit Man calms the doctor and tells him not to worry; he will get back to him shortly.
Yes it takes practice; our flesh is used to reacting to what it sees. Don’t let it get away with that. Tell your flesh “There is a new sheriff in town and we aren’t doing things the way we used to!” And let’s get over ourselves, if God is for us who can be against us? (Rom 8:31) paraphrased: What’s the worst thing that can happen? And ask yourself, if I really live this way…what are the possibilities!
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