My intent has always been to provoke you to think differently regarding, who Christ is, what He has accomplished and who you are in Him. We have talked a lot recently about how the born again believer operates under a different set of principles. We are not who we appear to be on the outside, our old man; that corrupt man, beguiled by the enemy of God to live a life of confusion and futility, that man died at the cross with Christ. We are LITERALLY a new man. When our spirit man was “asleep”, out of communication with the Father, we were like aimless satellites that had lost communication with their remote controllers. Now we have been reconciled to the Father and communication has been reestablished, we no longer bounce haphazardly off other objects in space, subject to the atmospheric disturbances. We were programmed at our inception to carry out the plan and purpose that our creator designed for us long before we were ever conceived. We have a mission! And in order to be successful, we must be allowed to operate “above the law”.
Think about all we have talked about lately. How Christ is alive on the inside of us and it is no longer our flesh that is navigating in this world but His Spirit inside of us to accomplish His will on the earth. When Christ was on the earth, He operated “above the law”. He healed, He raised the dead, He multiplied solid matter into more solid matter, He walked on water, and He escaped His enemies undetected until the appointed time when He MADE Himself subject to them. So if Christ is alive in us, are we subject to carnal laws? Ok, don’t jump ship just yet, stay with me. God instructs us to “make ourselves subject” to the rulers that are on the earth because He is the power behind every power. We are to obey authority! We also see ourselves hindered by natural laws such as gravity. So before I tell you where I think we as believers are to come down on this issue, let me give you an analogy.
Ambulance drivers have the authority to run red lights, drive on the wrong side of the road and exceed the speed limit in order to carry out their assignment. Policemen can shoot to kill if necessary. A judge can deprive someone of their right to freedom and a prison guard can hold an inmate against his will for a prolonged time. If any of these people committed any of these acts while not under the protection of their “office”, they would be guilty of driving infractions, kidnapping, or even murder. During much of our time on this earth, we make ourselves subject to the same laws everyone else is subject to. But in order to carry out our assignment, we have to be able to rise above the confines of natural law and operate supernaturally by the law of faith.

Throughout the Bible God deals differently with those who are in covenant with Him. We need to see ourselves as set apart and be prepared in every situation to act and react differently than the rest of the world, based on the voice and instruction of our God. We should ALWAYS be listening for that voice, ALWAYS expecting a supernatural outcome. God has made us a peculiar people. In the Old and New Testament that meant a purchased valuable treasure, to be preserved. Even today the definition denotes a spectacle, something that is seen as being different than the norm. We HAVE to see ourselves that way! We have to be prepared at any moment to be called on to trust in Christ to enable us to operate above the law. Nothing hindered Jesus from carrying out His mission when He was here in the flesh, and nothing should hinder Christ now! When we came into covenant with Him we agreed that He could have FREE UNFETTERED ACCESS to our bodies!
We will go deeper into this concept of operating “above the law” next time. I will let you chew on that for a couple of days. If you like to do word studies in your Bible, study and meditate on the word “subject”. Decide for yourself. What were we subject to, what are we subject to today and what is made subject to us through Christ. Next time we will see how we have unwittingly agreed with the devil in receiving labels that do not apply to us.
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