We talk a lot about the fact that
God operates according to principals that He has instituted, to counteract the
principals of the corrupt system that Satan instituted. Hopefully it is bringing clarity to your
purpose as a believer and the how to of walking it out. Knowing we not only have a role individually
in God’s plan but we are part of His corporate plan “the Church” to carry out
His will on the earth, keeps us focused on truth and our mission, and keeps us
from getting bogged down in the world.
America has strayed far from the model that I believe was
God inspired. But God’s original intent
was for the branches of government and the judicial system to mirror God’s
justice system and how we are to operate here as representatives of the kingdom
of God. Isaiah 33:22 gives us some
insight, it says “The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is
our King, He will save us. (The 3
branches of U.S. government, Judicial, Legislative, Executive)
So here is what that looks like
practically. In the court system, you
have the Judge who arbitrates and decides matters, the prosecuting attorney who
brings accusation of your crime, the defense attorney who is your advocate,
witnesses for the accuser and witnesses for the defense who speak on your
behalf. Then often there is a jury of 12
who hears and weighs the testimony to make a determination for or against the
defendant. The whole process is called a
trial. (Hopefully you can already see
where this is going)
So let’s say the believer is
faced with an accusation. Let’s say we
find ourselves in the midst of sin, or we receive a diagnosis of illness or a
bad report in our life. (i.e. Job loss, whatever) That would be equivalent to
being arrested by the police. At that
point most people know the rule of thumb is, “don’t talk to anyone, don’t admit
anything, don’t say one word till your attorney is present". These instructions will serve us well when
dealing with one of the above situations.
When “catastrophe” strikes, we should guard our mouths and not let one
admission of defeat or guilt come out of our mouth. We should run to God’s word to find wisdom
for the moment. After one’s attorney (Christ
is our advocate) arrives they talk privately with their client and develop a strategy to
prove the client's innocence.
Now I want to stop here and make
sure we are of one mindset before I go on because this is key. If you have trusted in Christ as your
substitute for your sin, YOU ARE INNOCENT.
No matter what the crime, even if you committed it, YOU ARE
INNOCENT. The believer is declared
NOT guilty the moment he trusts in Christ to save Him. That innocence can never be revoked! GOT IT?
Ok, so throughout this whole trial, no matter who is deposing you (who
is listening to your testimony) your testimony never changes, you are
innocent. Whether it’s some behavior, or
sickness, or whatever the trial, your accuser is waiting to hear you break down
on the witness stand and admit that you deserve this, you brought this on, and
God is not going to deliver you. But God’s
Word says; Hold fast your confession of faith! (Heb 10:23) What is our confession? "I am the righteousness of God in Christ
Jesus, I am innocent"! That is your story, you are sticking to it, and don’t
ever let it change!

Now the devil is our accuser (the
prosecuting attorney) and his job is to wear us down till we admit
guilt. Once we admit guilt, we allow
unbelief in Christ’s accomplishment to set in.
We begin to look at our behavior, our weakness, and we wrongly accept the
accusations that are thrown at us. When
that doubt and condemnation comes at you, see the devil grilling you on the
witness stand. Go to the Word and find
the promises that belong to you, that are proof of who you are and proof that
God has promised to deliver you from EVERY affliction. That is the testimony that your attorney has
instructed you to give, those are the pat answers that you cling to no matter what the devil throws at you. No matter what evidence you see that attorney
pull out of his hat, no matter how surprised you are at what he has found out,
your story does not change!
Now in any trial there are
witnesses that speak on our behalf to help bolster our case. The Holy Spirit is our witness. The Bible says that He testifies that we are
sons and daughters of God. (Rom
8:16) That testimony alone makes it an
open and shut case. The Holy Spirit is
the expert, surprise witness that the prosecutor cannot refute. All the evidence was piling up, but at the
last minute, this witness tore it all to shreds. Maybe you have been given a report from the
doctor and you see evidence that agrees with what he is telling you. Maybe you have a wayward child and all the
evidence says they will never change.
Maybe you are days away from losing your house, or car or just lost your
job. Is your marriage hopeless, are you
already divorced and you can’t imagine any miracle being able to fix the
horrible mess? Hold fast to your
confession, don’t change your story, don’t break down on the witness
stand. That expert witness is on His
way, don’t you dare throw in the towel!
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