Have you ever
lost something so valuable and you would give anything, pay any price to have
it back? God did. He sewed His very likeness into us when He
knit us together, lovingly carefully; He crowned us with His own glory. He marveled over His creation, danced over
him, loved him, related to him and thoroughly enjoyed him. In the fall man was handed a lie and was
forced to put it on and walk in it.
Christ came and offered His life to redeem us; He bought us back,
removed the lie from our backs and filled us with His very being. In that exchange I became someone else. I am no longer who I was. That lie, that imposter, died the instant I
recognized the truth of who I was always meant to be in Christ. And at the same instant that lie died, the
truth of my original intent came to life. II
Corinthians 5:17-21 is the CRUX of it ALL.
The old me has been replaced with the Spirit of the risen Christ, He is
exploding on the inside of me with life.
My death, behind me, I have stepped into eternal life, never to die
again. He stepped into my crucified
flesh and gave it new life; there is not one ounce of the old me anywhere to be
Is there a “but”
on the tip of your tongue? Why? What are you thinking right now? Are you thinking about your imperfect
behavior, your habits? WHY? That has NOTHING
to do with WHO you are. Your
flesh is along for the ride and it is being renewed daily by Christ’s Spirit
and His Word. Look at vs. 17 and 18
again. In Christ the old you have passed
away! He’s deader than a doornail. vs. 18
all things are of God. God’s only
communication with you is His Spirit inside of you. It is in perfect agreement with Him; there is
no longer any opposition on your part because there is no OLD YOU to get in the
way anymore. He did this so we could
stop being preoccupied with us and get on to the business at hand, spreading
the message of reconciliation to others.
He has made us His ambassadors.
This was all perfectly legal, (remember all the conversations we have
had in earlier posts, God is a law abiding God) there are no loopholes, this is
a done deal, it’s all tied up very neatly in Christ, an iron clad covenant.
Yes, at one
time you were legally guilty under the law and you deserved for the punishment
to fit the crime. But your case has been
settled, and here is how it went down. When
you trusted Christ as your substitute, your sin (or your crime) was charged to
Christ, but since there was no actual guilt in Him, there was no evidence to
convict Christ of sin. He had not
committed the crime Himself. So what you
have is an innocent man being charged with your crime. Well naturally there is no proof for the
accuser (prosecuting attorney) to bring against Christ because He is
innocent. He actually disposed of the
evidence of your crime at the cross when He triumphed over death hell and the
grave. So try as he might, the accuser
has no evidence against you that you are a sinner so your case had to be
dismissed because of lack of evidence.
So who is it who brings accusation against you? Satan cannot, and God disposed of the
evidence himself so why would He accuse you?
Why are you accusing you?
The truth is that your behavior will change as this truth, that you are as righteous as Christ, sinks deeper and deeper into you. You will behave what you believe, as the truth of Christ transforms your flesh. So the behavior you see is not you, (Romans 7) it is just an indicator of how deeply you believe or disbelieve the truth of who you are in Christ. Your behavior is not a stumbling block to Christ; don't let it be a distraction to you. Remind yourself daily who you are. Find proof of it in His Word and look yourself in the eye and declare that you are the righteousness of God in Christ! This song says it all (see link below) ...enjoy! and Happy Resurrection Sunday!

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