God, knowing the power that His Words contain, made some very bold statements. There are no disclaimers, there is no fine print, HE is not backing away from the bold promises He made, WE ARE! For Centuries, the Church has rewritten theology in an attempt to explain why God’s promises don’t seem to be operational today. We quote the Word, we begin to stand in faith, then suddenly we look with our eyes and think with our mind and reinterpret what God “must have meant” so it lines up with our experience.
Why do we reserve the right to think apart from Him? If we allow the
physical evidence to have the final word, then where is faith? Faith is not faith till it is opposed! Till we meet resistance, we are simply operating in the flesh. Anyone, even an unbeliever believes what he sees! Believers are called to a higher standard. If we say we live by faith, then God’s Word IS the last word. No other outcome is conceivable let alone acceptable to us. We are all in, His Word alone will save us! There is no plan B, there is no backing down. His Word says stand therefor! There is no time period, only an expectation that what He promised He is able to perform.

We have a mandate, to advance the Kingdom of God, uphold His principals and accomplish His will on the earth. God’s Word is His will, His power and authority to carry it out reside in us in the person of the risen Christ. We are not called to interpret it, or debate it or bring it to pass; we are called to believe it! When we have the faith in His word that He does, we will stand and demand that the evidence line up with His truth, not rewrite His Word to line up with our experience.
And yes! The evidence WILL oppose us! Why are we surprised by the opposition? The warfare imagery in the bible is not for effect, WE REALLY ARE IN A BATTLE! We are mandated to hold that line knowing that at some point the enemy must give way to the truth! Christ has disarmed him, and he knows it. Do YOU?
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