Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Law and Order part III (The 2 Kingdoms)

By now we should know that there are 2 kingdoms operating simultaneously in opposition to each other. (See Law and Order parts I and II) Satan’s lawless corrupt system, (which is temporal) and God’s righteous eternal government. Adam’s sin made us subject to the law of sin and death.

It will become important for us to understand God’s righteous justice. But for now, let’s understand that believers are to operate according to the law of faith which overrides EVERY law. Remember laws are meant to bring order, and when we operate according to the law of faith we are to expect an outcome. What many believers fail to recognize is that God created our spirit man to operate in the spirit realm. But we see ourselves as primarily flesh; consequently we try to navigate according to the flesh. Romans 8 makes it clear, our flesh is not to dictate our actions.

So, why the confusion?  When man fell into darkness, and forgot who he was created to be he accepted this fallen state as “normal”.   Man has forgotten that he was meant to live in perfect harmony with God and His principals, and meant to govern subject only to God’s authority.  When we were born again we were translated from the corrupt kingdom of darkness into the righteous kingdom of light. (Col.1:12-13) In this kingdom we are subject to the law of the spirit (Romans 8:1)  This law is written onto our hearts as the Holy Spirit teaches us, actually infusing God’s heart and mind into us, conforming us to His will.  We are not subject to the law of death of the old government because we are expected to abide by the laws of the new government we are under.  Romans Ch. 6 tells us that the sin which held our members or our flesh captive no longer has any power over us.  One cannot successfully abide by the laws of two kingdoms at the same time, what is allowable under one government may not be allowable under another government.  Matthew 6:24 says no one can serve 2 masters.  Romans 6:16 says Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness.

His plan is simple.  We recognize lawlessness and understand that we have a responsibility to put a stop to it and advance the rule of the kingdom as ambassadors of the kingdom of God.   We cannot turn a blind eye when we see the law of sin and death in operation we must confront it and exercise Christ's authority over it. Our role is to enforce what Christ established when he dethroned principalities and powers, making a show of them openly at the cross. (Col. 2:15)  

Part IV will be our final look at this topic.  (for now)  We will see this concept put into practice.  The difference between living in joy and victory, and living in defeat and hopelessness is knowledge. (Luke 1:4, Eph 1:17, 4:13, Col 1:9&10, 2:3, 3:10 II Pet. 1:8, 3:18)

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