I am part of a women’s small
group that meets once a week to behold Christ in the Word. I am sure if I began a sentence with “The
thing”….. The rest of the women in the group could finish the sentence, “is not
the thing.” It is a concept that God dropped
in me several years ago. It means, nothing is what is seems at first
blush, look deeper and see through the eyes of faith, not flesh. It’s so simple, yet there is absolutely no
way any of us can get there on our own.
That in fact is the beauty of it because for years I did try to get
there on my own, and the very thing that prevented me from getting there was
that I thought the “thing” was the thing.
Confused? I pray that the Holy
Spirit gives you crystal clear understanding of what I mean.
As I’ve said before, my MAIN goal
in writing this blog is that believers experience the liberty that exists only
in Christ, and the victory of an effortless rested walk. In prior posts I have reminded you of the
truth of who you became when you were born again. You are not who you were, and most
importantly your actions are no longer dictated by your flesh but by His Spirit
which is dominant in you, and your flesh now submits to the will of the Spirit in you. (Once in a
while you need to remind it to sit down and shut up and enjoy the ride). The real you HAS BEEN reconciled to Christ;
until you awaken to that truth you will behave as an estranged child. So stop seeing yourself as a bad little boy or
girl who is continuously disappointing your Father and needs constant discipline
to be kept in line. We were broken under
the incredible weight of sin that saddled us and we WERE MADE FREE when we
trusted in Christ to remove that saddle of sin.
The key to victory is an accurate
perspective, and the key to an accurate perspective is, assuming your proper position. Christ did not permeate us with His
victorious risen Self so we could continue to see things from a limited fleshly
point of view; He positioned us high above, WITH Him so we could see things
accurately from His triumphant perspective.
Is your focus fleshly and inward?
If so you will discern every situation that
enters your little life bubble carnally.
First you will focus on how your flesh is being affected…Why is this
happening to me, what have I done to cause this, and what can I do to make it
stop? Many Christians look at “events”
or “trials” or whatever you want to call them and immediately the goal is to figure
out how to get through it, because they see the event as happening TO them. What if your perspective was from a higher
plane, looking down, instead of identifying WITH the event. What if we stopped categorizing everything
that came into our life as either good or bad?
What if we saw our life as a mission, everything as blessing and
ourselves as, implacable! IN CHRIST this
is exactly the case! James says consider
it all joy when you encounter various EXPERIMENTS! Yes! Peirasmos is the Greek word for
experiment, or proving! When a scientist
tests a hypothesis, he is proving out for all to see what he already has
confidence in. God knows His promises
are solid and will hold up under grueling examination. As believers we should not fear living under
a microscope so the world can examine our lives for evidence that God’s word
WORKS! But before you can convince
anyone else, YOU have to have confidence in what you are selling!
Does His Word work for you? His Word is Spirit and it is
life, and so are you, since Christ came to live IN YOU. But if you see yourself as flesh, and you see
your problems as physical, and you see your life as here on this earth,
Spiritual food will do you no good. In
order for you to see spiritually, you must stop seeing with your limited
physical eyes. Pluck the dang things out
if you need to but stop living life on a short leash, bound by fear, and lying
emotions. (Ok don’t really pluck out
your eyes; just yield them, along with all your members, to righteousness) Aren’t you tired of this constant
waffling? Questioning God at every
turn…Did God inflict me with this or am I being attacked by the devil? Is God going to deliver me or does He want to
teach me something? Did I cause this by
some “un-confessed” sin in my life? Me,
me, me, I, I, I,-- STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!
For goodness sake get over yourself.
Christ wants to live through you, so let Him. He delivers, because HE IS a deliverer, He
heals, because HE IS a healer, He provides because HE IS a provider, He Loves,
because HE IS LOVE! He acts based on who
HE is. If His reaction toward us had ANY dependence on our actions HE WOULD BE CONTINUOUSLY DISAPPOINTED IN
US!! He sanctified us and set us apart,
thinking it’s all about trying to pretty up your flesh; it’s all about
magnifying His Son in spite of your flesh.
Once this concept comes alive in
you, you will not live from mountaintop to mountaintop; circumstances will not
dictate how things are going. This is
what Jesus meant when He said to find your life you must lose it. Not so you could carry around a cross every
day and suffer till He returns, what good is your suffering to Him? Can it redeem ONE person? He meant exchange that lie of a life you are
living and live LIFE inhabited by the one who INVENTED LIFE! Next post we will see what this kind of life
looks like!
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