Friday, March 23, 2012

Label Me Righteous

The desire of my heart is to see believers walking in ALL the freedom that Christ procured for us at His cross.   Many believers, sincere believers, have no idea how to get out of the inconsistent walk they are now experiencing.  Joy one day, feeling hopeless the next, and having no idea what changed from one day to the next.   God withheld nothing from us to ensure that we walk in victory, our part is simply to know and believe and receive.   The reason for this “Evidence of Truth” blog is to get believers to challenge the concepts that have kept them defeated.  Walking in power and joy is simple, WE have made it difficult.

As we have been discussing, we have to live by faith in order to receive supernatural supply from Christ our leader.  Listen to what I am going to say and don’t ever forget this truth.  Believers believe FIRST and then SEE because they have believed the Word of God.  Believers DO NOT have faith in the Word of God because they have SEEN!    This is so simple but you have to let it sink into your heart.   Once it does, NOTHING will be impossible.  You will realize that when you had to see to believe, you were really limiting the possibilities and you will have more hope once you realize that anything can happen because it is NOT based on only what you have at your disposal visually, it is based on God’s unending supply of whatever we need to carry out His mission. 
The foundational truth that will change your perspective is that you are NOT who you were.  You are a new creature, you are not bound by your flesh, and you are not a “recovering sinner”.  You ARE the righteousness of God IN CHRIST JESUS!  You ARE in Him and His righteousness HAS BEEN imputed to you.  This is where living by faith begins.  When you believe it because it is truth, there will be supernatural changes in you.  Do not waste time trying to change your behavior to become what God says you already are.  It has nothing to do with the behavior; you are, because it is truth.  You will see it, when you believe this truth.  Trust me!  Don’t waste one more second doing the same thing you have done for years with little result. 

We have NO RIGHT to give preeminence to any voice other than God.  His wisdom alone is perfect and His way alone is truth and His ways alone are free from corruption.  Any other “word” will be perverted to some degree because this worldly system has been corrupted by sin and is subject to death.  Yes?  Ok, so every time we receive any type of label, other than Righteous, are we receiving truth?  Labels received, change the way we think.  That is why it is imperative that we do not receive the labels of the world, but maintain our testimony that we are righteous, blameless and loved.
So let me get real with you for a second.  And before you react, listen to the Holy Spirit inside of you that is challenging your faith to come up higher.   When you parrot some label someone has put on you, such as Impulsive, Lazy, Loudmouth, Emotional, isn’t it your testimony that you have elevated this man given label above the God given truth of who God says you are?  Let’s not stop there, what about those whose wisdom we believe we can’t question, like Doctors?  When they label us Depressed, Bi-Polar, ADD, Alcoholic, Addict; do we have to receive it?  Is it truth?  What about receiving disease labels?  Cancer, Pneumonia, Lupus, Fibro Myalgia?  Just ask yourself, how do I reconcile these labels with who God says I am? 

Don’t use what you’ve always been told or taught to explain this away.  Exercise your faith, let yourself be stretched.  Stop living safe, what if you believe and you don’t see instant results?  What if it doesn’t work for the woman down the street, what if you tried it once and saw nothing?  What if what if what if?  It doesn’t matter, believe anyway!  The evidence WILL follow.  Keep believing as if there is no alternative!  Nail that back door of unbelief shut!  Believe until!  We are not done with this, but press God on this issue, He wants you to, He wants to take you deeper, but He wants to know you will not cut and run at the first sign of disappointment.  What if you stay where you are?  Nothing will change.  But what if……..

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